5061-049 REV 1.4
25-9574-75UM AE 05/2010
2.6. Auto-Read
NanoVue Plus senses when the sampling head has been lowered, so Auto-Read
can be used to automatically make a measurement when this happens, obviating
the need to press any keys. The instrument assumes that the first reading after
starting any application will be a reference scan and that subsequent readings will
be sample scans.
Switching Auto-Read on or off:
Go to Utilities (option 5 from the NanoVue Plus menu).
Select Preferences (option 4).
Use the arrow keys to go to the Lid Switch option and select On to turn Auto-Read
on, or Off to turn Auto-Read off. Press the confirm button.
When Auto-Read is off, use the 0A/100%T and
keys to take the reference and
measurement scans respectively.
When Auto-Read is on, the keys on the keypad are still functional. This enables
a user to carry out a new reference scan at any time by pressing the 0A/100%T
key prior to lowering the sampling head, or to perform a series of readings or
reference scans without raising the sampling head.
2.7. Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is provided to help minimize the impact of pipetting errors. If
Quality Assurance is switched on from the Preferences Screen, the instrument will
ask the user for a second reference to compare with the first to ensure that the
reading is reasonable. If the second reading is not sufficiently close to the first
reading, the user will be asked to replace the reference again. The process will be
repeated until two successive good readings (within 0.02 A) are identified and the
reference will be the average of these readings.
Note: When the user is prompted for the second reference, the user is required
to clean the surface and reapply the sample. The 0A/100%T key is disabled until
the user lifts the sampling head to prevent the user from just re-reading the same
0.5 mm pathlength
0.2 mm pathlength