5061-049 REV 1.4
25-9574-75UM AE 05/2010
Q. Is Xenon technology limited to 900 nm?
A. Yes, typically deuterium/tungsten are more accurate over 900 nm. However,
with the improvement of the technology & the CCD detector Xenon is now more
accurate & available to go to 1100 nm.
Q. Does NanoVue Plus require a computer to operate?
A. No, NanoVue Plus operates as a stand alone instrument, although it can be
connected to a PC through the USB port to enable connection to a remote
printer, LAN or electronic data archive.
Q. Is it possible to connect a USB memory stick to the USB port on the NanoVue
A. No, but a SD card accessory that allows both data & method storage is
available. A NanoVue Plus can be also be ordered pre-fitted with the SD card
accessory. In addition, export of data via a USB lead or via a Bluetooth wireless
link is supported.
Q Can I get data exported in Excel format?
A Using the PVC software application, data may be stored either manually
or automatically in a variety of data formats which include : as an Excel
spreadsheet (Excel must be installed on the PC) , Extensible Meta Format (an
EMF) graphics file, a comma delimited (csv) data file, a tab delimited (txt) file,
Rich Text Format (RTF) or in native PVC format.
Q. What volume of sample can I use with the NanoVue Plus?
A. On the 0.2 mm pathlength, volumes as low as 0.5 µl can be used. For Auto or
0.5 mm use 2 µl. Do not use volumes greater than 5 µl as this may spread too
far over the plates.
Q. My droplet is spreading out over the lower plate and I get inconsistent readings.
A. Either the plates have picked up some contamination or they may need to be
changed. See Section 3
Q. How often will I need to replace the sample plates?
A. The gold plate has been abrasion tested >260,000 times, with no damage
observed. As a guideline this represents many years regular use. They are
solvent resistant, however, volatile solvents should not be used as they may give
inaccurate readings.
Q. How reproducible is the Absorbance data?
Specifications for precision and accuracy are below.
Absorbance Precision
Between 0 & 1A; < 0.005 A or 1% of measurement
(whichever is greater)
1 to 2 A - 2% of reading;
above 2 A - 5% of reading
Absorbance Accuracy
± 1% at 257 nm, Potassium Dichromate solution,
0.7–0.8 A.