5061-049 REV 1.4
25-9574-75UM AE 05/2010
3.1. Sample application guide
Step 1
Lift the sampling head to the vertical position and using a low-volume (0–10 µl)
pipette take up approximately 2 µl of sample. A reliable pipette and matching high
quality tips are strongly recommended.
When removing a very small aliquot from a larger volume, ensure that the sample
is truly representative. Filtration may also be advantageous.
Step 2
Carefully apply the sample so that it sits over the black spot between the four
alignment spots, (see Figure: 4).
Take care not to introduce bubbles into the sample.
After the plunger is depressed, lift the pipette up carefully so as not to drag the
droplet off-target.
Step 3
Observe the position and shape of the drop; it should resemble the one shown
in Figure: 6a rather than 6b. A noticeably spread-out sample indicates the target
area may be contaminated and requires cleaning (see below). Gently lower the
sampling head.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6a
Figure 6b
Return light path