5061-049 REV 1.4
25-9574-75UM AE 05/2010
Results Screen
Step 12
Pipette on the reference sample and lower the sampling head. If Auto-Read is
off, press the 0A/100%T key. This will be used for all subsequent samples until
changed. If QA is switched on the sample will need to be replaced and the
0A/100% T key pressed again.
Step 13
Clean the top and bottom plates, pipette on the sample and lower the sampling
head. If Auto-Read is off, press
. The unit measures the Absorbance and uses
this information to calculate the Measured Tm.
Repeat step 13 for all samples.
to return to the Life Science Screen.
to display available Options which are described below.
Options (select using keypad numbers)
1. Return to Parameters Screen (step 1 above).
2. Print result via selected method.
7. Sample Number – add a prefix to the sample number and reset the
incrementing number to the desired value.
8. Save Method – use the alpha-numeric keys to enter a name for the method and
press Save
9. Auto-Print – toggles Auto-Print on/off.
Exit options by pressing
, or wait.
4.2.6. CyDye measurement
Measurement of the labeling efficiency of fluorescently labeled DNA probes
before 2-color microarray hybridization ensures that there is sufficient amount of
each probe to give satisfactory hybridization signals. These data also provide an
opportunity to balance the relative intensities of each fluorescent dye by adjusting
the concentration of each probe before hybridization. The DNA yield is measured
at 260nm while the incorporation of fluorescein, Cy3, Cy5 and other dyes are
measured at their absorption peaks. This method may also be useful for measuring
the yields and brightness of fluorescently labeled in-situ hybridization probes.
Equations used in the software are detailed below:
DNA Concentration
= (A
– A
) * NucleicAcid Factor
DNA Quantity
= DNAConcentration * Volume
Dye Concentration
= ((A
- A
) / ExtinctionCoefficient
) * PathlengthFactor * Dilution_Factor
* 10
Dye Quantity
= DyeConcentration * Volume