Quick Instructions (continued)
After Run Completion
1. Confirm that the “Cycle Done!” message is displayed.
2. Visually confirm that the pressure has dropped to 0 (zero) psi.
3. Turn the unit off. Toggle the weight (petcock) to release any residual pressure.
4. Open the lid with the steam directed away from yourself.
5. Confirm that run has completed successfully by the following:
a. Steam Monitor Strip has changed to a dark brown or black color
b. Pressure gauge has reached between 17-24 psi.
6. Carefully remove the plastic slide containers from the instrument.
7. Place the plastic slide containers on the counter top to cool down for a at least 10 minutes.
8. Decant half of hot retrieval solution and add DI water. Do five complete changes of DI water.
9. Proceed with immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining .