1. Click on the fraction collector button in the Available Devices box. A
dialog box will appear asking you to choose the type of collector
(a generic collector, a Model 2110 or a Model 2128). Click on
and click the
You will now see
2110 Fraction Collector
in the Devices in Setup box
(see Figure 3).
2. Next, click on the SV3-2 valve button in the Available Devices box.
You will see a dialog box with a pull-down menu under
. You should see
Fraction Collector Diverter
selected. Other functions are available from the pull-down menu. This
action is called aliasing. You will see that the valve position names are
Waste for position 1 and Collect for position 2.
Note that the functioning of this particular valve is now automatically
tied to the programmed operation of the fraction collector during a
Method (but does not affect the manual screen operation).
3. Next, go to the box labeled
Gradient Pump
. Use the tab key or click
and drag on the field buffer A to highlight it and type in 25 mM Tris,
pH 8.1. Use the tab key to highlight buffer B and type 25 mM Tris +
0.5 M NaCl, pH 8.1. This operation is called aliasing the gradient
pump inlets.
4. The Setup Editor is now complete and you are now ready to program
the separation steps. To see the Protocol Editor, click on the Protocol
Editor toolbar menu button.
Programming the Protocol Editor
Figure 9 shows the Protocol Editor programming screen.
1. From the Options pull-down menu, insure that Use Volume (ml) is
selected, so that the method is based on Volume.
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