6. Turning on the UV lamp.
The UV lamp automatically turns on when you turn on power to
the workstation. The UV lamp is turned off and on by clicking on
the toggle button. You should now check that the lamp is on; the
mercury lamp requires approximately 30 minutes to warm up.
Clicking the
Zero Baseline
button will zero the UV signal to the
recorder and to the on-screen display.
7. Setting the UV and Conductivity Detector ranges on the Chart
The UV Detector range is set by clicking on a value (from 2.0 to
0.001 AUFS) from the drop-down menu (refer to Figure 2). Note
that this range setting applies only to the output to a chart recorder.
On-screen displays of the UV range are controlled by the scroll
bars and have no effect on the output to a chart recorder.
For now, set the scale to 0.1 AUFS.
The conductivity monitor range is set by clicking on a value (from
0.10 to 500.0 mS/cm) from the drop-down menu. Note that this
range of settings applies only to the output to a chart recorder.
On-screen displays of the conductivity range are controlled by
the scroll bars and have no effect on the output to a chart recorder.
For now, set the scale to 100 mS/cm.
8. The Manual Control Screen Chromatogram Window.
A feature of the Manual Screen is the ability to display a chromatogram
window showing UV and conductivity values over a 10 minute time
axis. This is useful during column equilibration.
To access this feature, simply click on the chromatogram window
toolbar button at the far right of the toolbar. The chromatogram
window will be placed over the valve panels. The time axis is
reset automatically at the end of 10 minutes or reset manually by
clicking the
Clear Traces
Use the scroll bars to change the scaling of the axes.
To close the chromatogram window, again click the toolbar button.
The valve panels will reappear.
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