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Travel Tips & Airport Security
Traveling with your Haul-a-Day
Traveling with your Bike Friday on the airlines today will, for the
most part, be as convenient as it was just a few years ago in the
good old days. However, because of the need for extensive inspec-
tions required by the TSA, there are a few points to consider.
Do not lock your TravelCase when traveling by air with a non-TSA
approved lock. All luggage must be inspected by TSA agents when
checking in your luggage. TSA agents can, and have, broken open
locked TravelCases. Even after the initial inspection, do not lock
your case; we have had reports of subsequent inspections where
the TravelCase lock was broken open.
You may ask to be present during the inspection, however, you
may not touch your bike or TravelCase once you have handed it
over to the TSA. By asking to be present, you may be able to give
some repacking tips to a very busy agent. Alternatively, you may
wish to provide your contact information so if any questions arise
in regards to the packing of your luggage, you can be a resource
for TSA.
When traveling by air, you might consider not over-packing your
TravelCase. With some practice it is quite possible to get a tre-
mendous amount of gear into your TravelCase; however this only
obscures the inspector’s view and they will deconstruct your care-
fully packed case.
Consider using extra straps, bungee cords, or toe straps, etc. to
bundle the packed bike together as one unit instead of multiple,
separable layers. This way an inspector can remove the bike as
one piece, look it over, and replace it back into the case quickly
and accurately.
Consider taking a photo(s) of how the packed bicycle fits in the
TravelCase. Any information to make the TSA agent more success-
ful in re-packing an inspected piece of luggage is to your advan-
tage. Photos can be taped to the inside surface of the TravelCase,
viewable when the case is open. This can increase the likelihood
the TravelCase is properly packed AFTER the inspection, reducing
the risk of future damage.
Observe airline luggage weight limitations. For domestic flights
(including domestic legs of international flights), the checked lug-
gage needs to weigh less than 50 pounds. For international flights,
the checked luggage limit is 70 pounds. Luggage which exceeds
these limitations may be charged an excess baggage fee.
Check with the airlines for regulation updates.