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Adjusting: Handlebars
Fig. 29 Loosen upper stem riser.
Upper Stem
Riser Bolt
Lower Stem
Riser Bolt
Adjusting Handlebar Height.
Loosen the upper stem riser
bolt, adjust the height as
needed and re-tighten. If you
are having difficulty adjusting
the height with the upper stem
riser bolt loose, you may find
that also loosening the lower
stem bolt will make it easier to
change the height. Just remem-
ber to tighten both bolts when
NOTE: There is a “minimum insertion” mark etched about
4” from the bottom of the stem riser, this is the amount of
material that must be inserted for safe use.
Quill Stem Adjustments
NOTE: For customers that have a “quill” style stem, you
have an extra set of height adjustments with the quill stem.
To loosen the quill stem, loosen the main bolt.
You are likely going to have to “un-wedge” the internal
wedge in the quill stem. This can be done in one of two ways:
• Stand in front of the bike, with your legs surrounding the
front wheel to prevent it from turning, turn the handle-
bars, you should feel it all of a sudden give and now the
bars will turn independent of the wheel.
• Unscrew the bolt that runs in the center of the stem
(toward the fork). Continue until the head of the bolt
sticks up a bit and with a mallet (or a hammer and a piece
of wood to prevent any deformation of the bolt head),
strike the bolt head in a downward motion toward the
fork. This will unseat the wedge allowing you to adjust or
remove the stem.
Fig. 30 Quill Stem adjustment.
Fig. 31 Quill Stem unwedge.