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Adjusting Haul-a-Day: Frame
Making the Main Frame
Let gravity make the frame
smaller, dropping the spring
loaded button into the next
smallest hole(s).
Depress the spring-loaded
button with your finger or
with the 5mm hex wrench.
You may need to wiggle or
move the frame slightly to
get the spring tab to stay
pressed in without your
hand there, thereby freeing
up your hand to grasp the
fork or stem riser.
You may need to twist or
wiggle the front section a bit
to allow gravity to work.
Grasp the front section by
the fork or stem riser.
Fig. 39 The Gravity method.
Making the Frame Larger
Depress the spring-loaded button. Use your right foot
to hold the rear section down on the ground. Place
your left hand on the backside of the fork (above the
tire, below the headset). With your left hand push
You may need to wiggle the front section a bit, side to
side to make it easier for it to slide out of the middle
section. You can grasp the handlebars to help wiggle
If the spring tab remains depressed (or you have a
helper who is holding the spring tab in), you could grab
both the fork (above the tire, below the headset) with
one hand and the stem riser with the other and pull
Watch our informal video: http://tinyurl.com/pl7wyb9