5 Check the maximum gas pressure and com-
pare the value on the gauge with the value indi-
cated in the sections 4.5 or 4.6 or 4.7 (gas
pressures at the burner), accordingly with the
model of boiler installed.
6 Check the maximum gas flow at the gas meter
and compare the value indicated in the sec-
tions 4.5 or 4.6 or 4.7 (gas rate), accordingly
with the model of boiler installed.
7 Switch off the boiler.
8 Disconnect the gas modulator coil by remov-
ing the electrical connector A (Fig. 7.4).
Fig. 7.4
9 Switch on the boiler.
10 Check the minimum gas pressure and com-
pare the value on the gauge with the value indi-
cated in the sections 4.5 or 4.6 or 4.7 (gas
pressures at the burner), accordingly with the
model of boiler installed.
11 Switch off the boiler and re---connect the elec-
trical connector A to the modulator coil.
12 Switch on the boiler.
13 Check that the boiler lights up uniformly.
If not refer to section “Ignition gas pressure ad-
justment” of the Service Manual for the necess-
ary adjustment procedures.
14 Switch off the boiler, turn off the hot water tap(s)
and disconnect the pressure gauge.
15 Reassemble the sealed chamber lid and the
front panel of the case (see section 9.2 in this
If the maximum and minimum gas pressures
measured above are not in accordance with the
technical data (sections 4.5 or 4.6 or 4.7) then
adjustment will be necessary. A full explana-
tion of the gas pressure adjustment procedure
is given in the Gas Valve section of the service
manual. If maximum and/or minimum gas pres-
sures are adjusted then the ignition gas pres-
sure must be checked and adjusted if
Important: after the gas pressure checks and
any adjustment operations, all of the test points
and adjustment devices must be sealed. Re-
place the adjustment protection cap.
Checking the burner ignition
1 Turn the boiler OFF
2 Open the gas valve outlet pressure test point
33 (Fig. 7.4) and connect the gauge.
3 Turn the boiler ON positioning the control se-
lectors 8 in the positions as shown in as in
Fig. 7.5 and ensure that the timer selector
switch and room thermostat, if fitted, are set to
“heat demand”.
7 6
Fig. 7.5
4 Watch the gauge and check to see if the igni-
tion pressure registered corresponds to the va-
lues as given in the Technical Data. Turn off the
boiler and reignite it by turning the function se-
lector 8 to the OFF position and then back to
that indicated in Fig. 7.5
5 Repeat this process two to three times leaving
30 second intervals between each ignition.
Check the ignition pressures and visually
check that the burner lights uniformly and in a
controlled manner.
6 If the burner ignition is not uniformly controlled
then checks should be made to:
the flue installation and termination.
that the flue gasket as shown in Fig. 6.5 page
29 is in place.
that the burner and injectors are clean.