system and/or a hot water supply system,
compatible with its performance and output;
--- can be used only for those purposes for
which it has been specially designed;
--- must not be touched by children or by
those unfamiliar with its operation;
--- must not be exposed to weather condi-
During the operation
it is quite normal
that the boiler produces a white plume of
condensation vapour from the flue terminal.
This is due to the high efficiency of the ap-
pliance and may be particularly evident with
low outdoor temperatures.
Safe handling of
When handling or lifting always use safe tech-
--- keep your back straight, bend your knees, don’t
--- move your feet, avoid bending forwards and
sideways and keep the load as close to your body
as possible.
Where possible transport the boiler using a sack
truck or other suitable trolley.
Always grip the boiler firmly, and before lifting feel
where the weight is concentrated to establish the
centre of gravity, repositioning yourself as necess-
Safe handling of
These products are manufactured in accordance
with ISO 9000 and do not, and will not, contain any
hazardous materials or substances such as as-
bestos, mercury or C.F.C.’s.
The appliance packaging does not contain any
substances, which may be considered a hazard to
Combustion chamber panels
Material: mineral fibres
Known hazards --- Some people can suffer red-
dening and itching of the skin. Fibre entry into the
eye will cause foreign body irritation, which can
cause severe irritation to people wearing contact
lenses. Irritation to respiratory tract.
Precautions --- Dust goggles will protect eyes.
People with a history of skin complaints may be
particularly susceptible to irritation. High dust le-
vels are only likely to arise following harsh ab-
rasion. In general, normal handling and use will
not present high risk, follow good hygiene prac-
tices, wash hands before, touching eyes, consum-
ing food, drinking or using the toilet.
First aid --- Medical attention must be sought fol-
lowing eye contact or prolonged reddening of the
Thermostat / Temperature gauge
Description --- Sealed phial and capillary contain-
ing liquid.
Known hazards --- irritating to skin, eyes and
throat. Vapour is harmful. Inflammable --- do not
extinguish with water.
Precautions --- Do not incinerate. Avoid contact
with broken/leaking phials. Do not purposely
First aid medical attention must be sought follow-
ing eyes/skin contact, wash with clean water.
Appliance category II
Gas G20 20 mbar, G30 29 mbar, G31 37 mbar
Country of destination: United Kingdom (GB) Ireland (IE)
This appliance conforms with the following EEC directive:
Gas appliance Directive 90/396/CEE
Boiler Efficiency Directive 92/42/CEE
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/CEE
Low voltage Directive 73/23/CEE
The manufacturer, in the continuous process to improve his products, reserves the right to modify the
data expressed in the present documentation at any time and without prior notice.
The present documentation is an informative support and it cannot be considered as a contract to-
wards third parties.