BH Fitness • 20155 Ellipse • Foothill Ranch • CA • 92610
www.bhnorthamerica.com • Phone 949-206-0330 • Fax 949-206-0350
B 04 Adductor Stretch
Stand sideways on the Power-Plate with your feet near the
support column. Place the outside foot on the floor close to
the plate so legs are apart. Bend the outside leg while
keeping the other leg straight. Keeping the upper body
straight, lower your buttocks to the floor. This exercise will
stretch the insides of your thighs. Repeat on the opposite
B 05 Shoulder Stretch
Stand with your back to the Power-Plate and use your left
hand to pull the strap up to your buttocks. Your right hand
placed on your head and pulling it slightly to the right. This
shoulder stretch works best by alternating sides.
B 06 Pectoral Stretch
Sit with your back to the Power-Plate. Now hold the
Power-Plate behind your back so that your fingers grip the
edges. By pushing your shoulders down you'll stretch your
chest and shoulders. You may also gently pull the straps on
either side for optimum results.