BH Fitness • 20155 Ellipse • Foothill Ranch • CA • 92610
www.bhnorthamerica.com • Phone 949-206-0330 • Fax 949-206-0350
A 16 Latissimus Dorsi Dip
Place the handles on the mat shoulder width apart. Keeping
wrists and forearms straight gently push off the handles. It is
important to keep the hips straight and to push the shoulders
downward. This exercise promotes muscular arms,
shoulders and abdomen. Try doing the same exercise but
this time keep your legs straight.
B 01 Hamstring Stretch
Position your body in a wide stance on the Power-Plate,
buttocks pushed backwards. Holding the handles, let your
upper torso drop as far forward as possible. This exercise
will stretch the buttock and hamstring muscle groups.
Alternatively, stand up straight and let your upper torso and
arms drop forward.
B 02 Quadriceps Stretch
Place one shin on the Power-Plate - ensuring the foot
remains off the Plate! Keeping the upper body and back
straight, tense your stomach. By pushing your pelvis
forward you'll be stretching your quadriceps. Vary this
exercise by pulling the rear leg forward.
B 03 Calf Stretch
Stand sideways on the Power-Plate, with one leg in front of
the other and toes facing forward. The front leg should be
slightly bent, the rear leg is straight. Push the heel of the
rear leg down and you should feel tension in your calves. To
vary this exercise, keep your back straight and push your
pelvis forward.