In the case of past use ofthe stimulator , you can start again the last session or choose
another one in the history.
History Button
4. Choose between "Start Pain REliever (TENS) or Start Electro Stimulation (EMS)". At first-time use,
you always have to select a treatment area. If you have used the device before, you can choose
between ‘RETRY’to repeat the previous treatment and ‘NEW SESSION’ to start a new treatment.
5. Tap on one of the suggested locations for the electrodes to select the area you want to treat.
Select one of the two locations, if there have more than one locations. Rate the intensity of your pain
on a scale from 0 to 10. Your pain is somewhere in between, rate it by tapping the appropriate number.
The pain intensity you indicate is not used by the app to determine the intensity of the treatment.
The rating is only stored in your treatment diary.
6. And after you rate your intensity of your pain, you can tap "START SESSION", and then you can select
your intensity lever you want.
Starting and stopping a treatment
-Tap the play button on the screen.
-The treatment screen opens and the time starts to count down.
-The status indicator on the device starts to flash orange.
-On the treatment screen, you can tap the + or the - to increase or decrease the intensity to a
comfortable level.
-If you increase the intensity lever to "10",there will show some information about "careful" on your
screen, and then tap "Continue" to go on your treatment.
-In programs with a specified maximum treatment time, treatment continues until the timer has
counted down to 0. It continues to count up until you stop the treatment. If you want to stop or
interrupt the treatment, tap the square in the center of the pulsing treatment indicator to stop the
program. Also, you can resume your treatment.
-After your treatment is over, you can evaluate this treatment according to your feel.
According to the history treatment,you will
get these information as follows:
Treatment type;
Number of Mytens;
Pain lever;
Intensity lever;
7. Also, you can choose history treatment and settings.
And also, you can tap the setting button.
Srtting Button