– Installation Instructions
Rev. D 1208
51719 pg. 8
Locate the Center Bow and the Plastic Bushings in
the parts kit.
Orient the bow with the rods toward the front of the
vehicle and place it with the feet resting on the Side
Remove the inside 8-32 x 1/2" Screw and #8 Star
Washer from the Side Bow. Place a Bushing over
the end of the Standoff between the Side Bow
and the Center Bow Rod. Apply Loctite 271 to
the threads of the 8-32 x 1/2" Screw. Reinsert the
Screw and the #8 Star Washer into the Standoff.
Remove the outer 8-32 x 1/2" Screw and Star
Washer from the Side Bow, apply Loctite 271 to
the threads and reinsert the Screw and Washer.
Securely tighten the Screws. Do this on both sides
of the vehicle.
Center Bow
Windshield Header
Side Bow
Sun Roof
View from
Inside Vehicle
Detail of Center Bow Rod
to Side Bow Assembly
Center Bow Rod
8-32 Standoff
#8 Star Washer
#8 Star Washer
8-32 x 1/2" Screw
(apply Loctite to
the threads)
8-32 x 1/2" Screw
(apply Loctite to
the threads)
Install Center Bow
Locate the left and right Tailgate Retainer Mounts.
Place the mounts fl ush with the edge of the tailgate
opening. Install the Tailgate Retainer Mounts with
two #8 x 1/2" Pan Head Washer Screws for each
If your vehicle does not have holes at this loca-
tion, align the Tailgate Retainer Mounts fl ush with
the edge of the tailgate opening. Then mark the
locations of the holes in the mounts, center punch
and drill a 1/8" hole at the marked locations. Install
the mounts with two #8 x 1/2" Pan Head Washer
Screws for each mount.
Tailgate Retainer
Mount (Left)
#8 x 1/2" Pan Head
Washer Screws
Place Tailgate
Mount fl ush with
edge of opening
Install Tailgate Retainer Mounts