Shields for Flange Mounting
4 Transport
44192BA2, Rev.03, 07/2021
Shields with the radioactive source is delivered in a packaging which complies with
the regulations for the transport of radioactive material (Type A packaging).
Intermediate Storage of the Source
If the source must be intermediately stored at the site of use between delivery and
installation, please observe the following notes:
Store the source exclusively inside a closed and secured shield.
Store the shield in a lockable and properly marked room. The storage room
must comply with the national requirements regarding the storage of
radioactive substances.
Accessible areas of increased radiation exposure must be marked and
closed off, if required.
Scope of Delivery
Depending on the order, the product is configured and delivered. Check the
delivery for completeness (material parts) and integrity. In the case of damage,
immediately notify the forwarding agent and the manufacturer.
Check Delivery
Document any visible transport damage with photos on delivery. In case of damage
contact the transport company and the manufacturer immediately.
Transport to Operation Site
The transportation to the operation site may only be executed by construction site
personnel experienced in handling heavy components. The construction site
personnel is to be instructed by at least by one authorised person. If the mold level
shields contains a radioactive source, the radiation protection officer is to be
consulted, as well.
For lifting packages or mold level shields weighing more than 25 kg, suitable aids
(e.g. forklift truck) are to be used. If mold level shields are lifted without transport
packaging (wooden box or pallet), the provided fixing possibilities (lifting eyes) are
to be used exclusively for attaching the sling gear.
Please observe the radiation protection regulations for the transportation of
radioactive substances.