Number : NR 1157
Revision : B
Page 10/19
Instructions for start-up
Function Block DO(1)
Bit n°
Bit 0
No command
Close command
Bit 1
No command
Open command
Bit 2
Stop ( or maintained command mode)
No stop (or Pulse command mode)
Bit 3
No command
Auxiliary command 1
Bit 4
No command
Auxiliary command 2
Bit 5
Relay 1 contact open
Relay 1 contact closed
Bit 6
Relay 2 contact open
Relay 2 contact closed
Bit 7
Relay 3 contact open
Relay 3 contact closed
OPEN / CLOSE: Open and close command. According to the actuator configuration, it is
possible to select a priority to the opening or to the closing command (refer to NR1151)
By default there is no priority given to either opening or closing.
Priority can be used to:
- Allow to reverse the actuator rotation direction during a manoeuvre without having to use
the stop command. In this case it is necessary to set a priority to the opening or to the
closing direction.
- Give priority to one or the other rotation direction: if the actuator receives the open and
close commands simultaneously and the priority has been given to the opening, the
actuator will run the open position.
STOP: if this command is maintained at 0 (most common case), the open and close
commands have to be maintained. If this command is set to 1, a short duration open /
close command pulse is sufficient to drive the valve to the open or closed position. In this
case, the stop command (0) can be used to stop the actuator during the travel in its
current position.
By default, auxiliary command 1 is assigned to local control (actuator selector) inhibited.
By default, auxiliary command 2 is not assigned to a Fieldbus command but to an
emergency command (ESD): This command is hardwired (separate wiring) and directly
connected to the control box main strip.
These commands depend of actuator configuration (refer to NR1151) and can be
assigned to the following functions.
LOCAL / REMOTE: substitutes for the local/remote selector of the actuator and is used to
remotely enable either remote control or local control.
LOCAL+REMOTE / REMOTE: same definition as above, but local and remote control can
be enabled simultaneously.
LOCAL COMMAND INHIBIT: the local command inhibit is remotely controlled. This
command inhibits the local opening and closing commands, and enables remote
commands, even if the local/remote selector of the actuator is set to local.
OPEN, CLOSE INHIBIT: this command is used to inhibit opening or closing of the
AUTO/ON-OFF: for an actuator used in modulation with positioner function, it is possible
to issue remote commands via proportional control (equivalent to 4-20mA) or via