Translated user manual
page 7 of 45
Always read the instructions before starting
Disconnect the power supply before starting
Always disconnect power from the EasyKit when
leaving unattended
1. Suitable for the stated pipe diameter
2. Suitable for the stated centre-to-centre measurement of the pipe rail system
3. Maximum sideways manual power in Newton's (kg x10)
4. Maximum total load in kg (maximum 1x moveable load)
5. Maximum tilted position (pipe rail system) 2°
6. Maximum support spacing 1250 mm
7. Only to be used indoors (in greenhouse)
3.3 Machine type plate
is fitted with a machine type plate which contains the following information:
address details for Berg Hortimotive, CE mark, serial and type reference, serial number, year
of construction, system voltage, the nominal power of the electric motor expressed in kW and
weight of the total configuration expressed in kilograms.
If you would like to contact Berg Hortimotive, or one of their dealers with respect to this
, please ensure that this information is always readily available.