Explanation of the parameters
(see # in brackets for parameter number)
power rating (1)
Power rating of the kiln. This value is only used for calculating the power consumption.
thermocouple code (3)
Type of thermocouple: S=PtRh10%-Pt, R=PtRh13%-Pt, K=NiCr-Ni, J=FeCu-Ni. Change from S/R to
J/K and vice versa are locked for safety and technical reasons.
maximum temperature of the kiln (4)
maximum adjustable temperature. Please make sure that this limit never exceeds the maximum
temperature allowed for the kiln !
proportional band (5), integral time (6), derivative time (7)
These so called control parameters adapt the controller to the heating characteristics of the kiln.
The default parameters ensure excellent results since they are continuously adapted by the
permanent auto tune feature of the controller.
cycle time (8)
Determines the number of switching cycles of the contactor. Frequent switching reduces lifetime
of the controller. On the other hand long switching cycles cause unsteady heating of the kiln. The
default value of 30 seconds has been found a good compromise for almost all applications.
reaction on problems heating up the kiln (9)
setting 0 the controller entirely reacts on all delays on heating up in ramps. The time counter in
controlled ramps is held („hold“) if one zone gets up to full power. This setting ensures that even
on multizone kilns if there is a lack of power the temperature in all zones is equalized as best as
possible. With this setting the actual time required for a ramp might be much longer than
programmed because the controller enters „hold“ cycles frequently.
setting 1 (default) as setting 0 but time is only stopped if all zones are on full power. This ensure
that during a heat up ramp the kiln power of all zones is used although the temperature in some
zones is not totally equalized. On single zone kilns setting 0 and 1 come to the same result !
setting 2 the controller only checks the increase in temperature on full power heating. As long as
a certain increase in temperature is found (min 3°C per 15 minutes) the firing is continued.
setting 3 the controller does not check for any heating of the kiln. This setting should only be
used if required by the application (e.g. if the kiln must be opened frequently during the firing)
because operation safety gets lost. On this setting for instance a short circuit on the thermocouple
can not be found by the controller and would cause the kiln to overfire.