![Bentel Security KYO 320 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 50](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/bentel-security/kyo-320/kyo-320_installation-manual_2735374050.webp)
fre quen cies. The fre quency shift is usually 170 Hertz,
and the two fre quen cies are as so cia ted with 0 and 1 of
the bi nary di git which tran smits the fol lo wing data:
User Code
(4 di gits — 0 thro ugh 9)
Fun ction Code
(1 di git; N=new event, O=re sto re event)
(hour-mi nu tes-se conds)
Event Type
(re fer to the
co lumn in Ta ble 12)
Event Agent
(re fer to the
co lumns in Ta -
ble 12).
DbMa na ger
DbMa na ger
(in Ben tel se cu rity Su i te)
is an ap pli ca tion
de ve lo ped to copy sa fely cu sto mer’s data from a so ur ce
to a de sti na tion. For exam ple, data can be co pied on a
USB Flash Disk and can be used on a lap top. Be si des
the DbMa na ger can re co ver cor rup ted da ta ba se data.
DbMa na ger main win dow con ta ins
Acces Le vels
Lan gua ge
me nus, all de scri bed in the fol lo -
wing pa ra graphs.
File Menu
Data tran sfer
: Se lect
Data tran sfer
to copy cu sto -
mer’s data (see par. “Data tran sfer”).
To ols
: Se lect
To ols
to ac cess data re co ver uti li ties.
: Se lect
to ter mi na te the pro gram.
Data Transfer
Data Tran sfer from the File menu opens the Data Tran -
sfer win dow de scri bed be low (see also fi gu re 13).
Ori gin
Se lect the disk and fol der which con ta ins the
cu sto mer ac co unts con cer ned.
The Ben tel se cu rity Su i te ap pli ca tion will save cu -
sto mer ac co unt data to the \DATA in stal la tion fol -
der of the su i te (Ben tel).
Cu sto mers
Se lect the cu sto mer ac co unts con cer ned
from the Cu sto mer ac co unt list. To se lect/de se lect ALL
cu sto mer ac co unts click on Se lec tion.
De sti na tion
Se lect the de sti na tion disk and fol der.
The cu
sto mer ac
co unts must be sa
ved to the
\DATA in stal la ton fol der of the BSS Sof twa re su i te
(Ben tel).
Data to tran sfer
Se lect the data to ex port.
Show warn ings
Click on Show war nings if you want in -
for ma tion re gar ding the risk of ex por ting cu sto mer ac co -
unts with du pli ca ted Co des or Na mes from the Ori gin fol -
der to the De sti na tion fol der.
In the event of a du pli ca ted Name but dif fe rent Code a
win dow as per fi gu re
will open with the fol lo wing op -
Keep - the data of the cu sto mer ac co unt from the Ori gin
fol der will over wri te the data of the cu sto mer ac co unt with
the du pli ca ted Name in the De sti na tion fol der.
Cre a te (at de fa ult) - the data will be sa ved as a new
cu sto mer ac co unt with the same Name but dif fe rent
Code as the cu sto mer ac co unt in the Ori gin fol der.
Do Not ex port - the data will not be sa ved.
In the event of a du pli ca ted Code but dif fe rent Name a win -
dow as per fi gu re
will open with the fol lo wing op tions.
Keep - the data of the cu sto mer ac co unt from the Ori gin
fol der will over wri te the data of the cu sto mer ac co unt
with the du pli ca ted Code in the De sti na tion fol der.
Cre a te (at de fa ult) - the data will be sa ved as a new
cu sto mer ac co unt with the same Name but dif fe rent
Code as the cu sto mer ac co unt in the Ori gin fol der.
Do Not ex port - the data will not be sa ved.
If you di sa ble the Show War ning op tion, the ap pli -
ca tion will ena ble the Cre a te op tion au to ma ti cally.
Panel types
Check in this box pa nel types in vol ved in
the data tran sfer. The
Cu sto mers
win dow will show all
the cu sto mers using the se lec ted pa nel type.
Se lect
to print down a list sho wing all cu sto -
mers shown in the
Cu sto mers
win dow.
Fig ure 12
DBmanager main window
Fig ure 13
Data trans fer win dow