4. Insert the Rollback Spacer Bars between the Turnplate
as needed for alignment procedures. (See Fig 11.3)
(Final Assembly)
1. Tighten all assembly and Anchor Bolts securely.
(Safety Ladder Bolt Adjustment)
1. If the safety locks do not engage uniformly (operator
hears all four safeties spring into position) when the lift
is raised to the top most position then the Safety Ladder
needs to be adjusted.
2. Raise the lift until the first safety engages the topmost
safety position.
3. After determining which safeties are not engaging the
Safety Ladder, loosen the jam nuts and adjust the position
of the ladder until the safety springs into position. Do this
for each disengaged Safety Ladder. (See Fig 13.1)
For more information on safety engagement see page 25.
ALWAYS use jack stands for any service or maintenance.
NEVER go under or reach under the lift unless jack
stands are securely in place and power to the lift has
been disconnected to prevent others from inadvertently
operating the lift.
DO NOT work on or near raised lift until support stands
are in place to support the platform.
support stands are engaged before any attempt is made
to work on or near the lift
Fig 13.1
Note: Scissor arm hidden for clarity.
jam Nuts
Fig 11.3