charger after use.
Information on electrical charge of new batte-
ries, etc.
Because the internal chemical substance is not
activated in new batteries and batteries that have
not been used for extended periods, the electrical
charge may be low when used for the first and se-
cond times. This is a temporary phenomenon and
the normal charging time will be restored after the
battery has been recharged 2 or 3 times.
How to make batteries last longer.
a) Charge the batteries before they are complete-
ly out of power. When you notice that the tool’s
power is decreasing, stop using the tool and
recharge the battery. Continuing to use the tool
and discharging the electrical power can dama-
ge the battery and shorten its service life.
b) Avoid charging at high temperatures. Rechar-
geable batteries are hot immediately after use.
Charging batteries immediately after use will
degrade the internal chemical substance and
shorten their service life. Let the battery rest and
charge it after it has cooled down for a while.
• If the battery is charged when it is still hot after
being recently used or left out in direct sunlight,
the charge indicator light will light up for 0.3 se-
conds and then go out for 0.3 seconds. If this
occurs, allow the battery to cool down before you
begin charging.
• If the charge indicator light flickers (at 0.2-se-
cond intervals), check and remove all foreign
objects from the charger’s battery connector. If
no foreign objects are present, it is likely that the
battery or charger is faulty. Contact an authori-
sed service workshop.
• It takes about 3 seconds for the microcomputer
in the UC18YSL3 to detect that a charge has
been interrupted and the battery has been remo-
ved. For this reason, wait at least three seconds
before reinserting the battery in the charger for
continued charging. The battery may not rechar-
ge correctly if the battery is reinserted before
waiting three seconds.
This tool operates with oil pressure.
When used in cold conditions or in the winter, the vis-
cosity of the hydraulic oil will increase significantly and
diminish the operation of the tool. In cold conditions, the
tool should be warmed up before use.
Switch on the tool and let it run continuously for 30 to 60
seconds without cutting any rebar (unloaded operation).
Do not place your hands near the piston while it is war-
ming up.
Depending on the environment and use conditions, the
hydraulic oil may become hot. This can lower the vis-
cosity of the hydraulic oil and reduce the tool’s cutting
performance. Allow the tool to cool down and then re-
sume operation.
When the oil temperature exceeds about 70 °C, switch
off the tool until the oil cools down.
The tool is not designed for continuous use so work
needs to be planned to allow for sufficient breaks
so the hydraulic oil can cool down to room tempe-
• Check that the air inlets on the motor housing are
clear and the cooling surfaces are clean in order to
prevent the tool from becoming dangerously over-
• Do not modify the calibration of the safety devices
(maximum pressure valves).
• Do not service, clean or replace the blade or guard
while the tool is in operation and with the battery
• Check the condition of the power cord regularly. If
damaged, replace it with an original cord.
• Do not remove the protective devices installed on
the tool and accessories.
• The parts and components that have a safety func-
tion (insulation, protection, etc.) must not be repai-
red, but must instead be replaced with original spare
parts. If this is not the case, then the tool does not
comply with the regulations that are prescribed by
the standardisation body and passed on to the ma-
• Always ensure that there are no traces of oil, grease
or corrosive substances on the equipment (especi-
ally the handle).
• Use a damp cloth and soapy water to clean plastic
• Do not use gasoline or thinner to clean the tool.
• Store power tools in a dry place accessible only to
qualified personnel.
1. Initial operation
The only things to be checked concern:
Completeness of the machine:
Make sure nothing happened during transport that
may have damaged the insulation or mechanical
parts. Make sure that the manual shut-off valve is
closed (section 13.4).
Completeness of the delivery:
Make sure that all accessories supplied are fitted
(the battery is charged and installed).
Oil level:
Check the oil level and top up if necessary in accor-