NFSD analog RTD inputs reach a temperature within
“NFSD Cut Out” in the menu and after “NFSD Test
Pressure Timer” the pump stops. Pump will start
when “NFSD Restart Pressure” analog input reaches
this point in the menu setting. Auto reset. NFSD can-
not occur again until “NFSD Minimum Run Timer”
setting in the menu elapses. NOTE: NFSD will only
occur while one pump is running.
O.L.X. Failure from digital inputs from starters 1M, 2M
and 3M from pumps 1, 2 and 3, respectively trip and
shut down the associated pump. The next pump in
the sequence will start. “Alarm” message flashes.
Manual reset. Upon manually resetting the tripped
starter and pushing the reset key the previously
tripped starter starts it pump and the pumps run
together for 5 seconds and then return to normal
Pump X Failure from digital inputs from DP switches
1 through 3, respectively trip and shut down the
associated pump 1, 2, or 3 respectively. The next
pump in sequence then starts. Pump fail message
set. Manual reset. Shut off pump now restarts with 2
seconds delay. (B) Alarms – are listed in Table 4.5.2. Most alarms are
discussed with the balance self-explanatory. Normal Stop – with power on press start/stop key.
Enabled pumps have flashing green LEDs. All faults
are in memory and do not reset. Status of the 3 pump
keys is written to memory. Stop – with power failure, alarms are reset but status
of start-stop key and 3 pump keys is held in memory.
Choose local or remote operation.
AUTO/HAND Key – select HAND.
Enable Pumps by pressing 1, 2 or 3 PUMP keys.
Start/Stop as 5.2.4 above.
Pump Start as 5.2.5 above.
Alternation – none.
Staging – none.
De-staging – none.
Pump Shut Down – none. However, all alarms of
Table 4 are active but do not shut the pumps down.
Some items are not in normal scroll. See foot note of
Table 3. Note that motors are still protected with O.L.
relays as part of the respective starter.
(CPU Fails, Watchdog LED On)
The 70E/70M has a redundant feature allowing criti-
cal operation even though the microprocessor and its
support I.C.’s may have failed. Although this is a rare
occurrence, B&G has planned for this possibility.
When the Watchdog LED is “on” a separate section
of LOGIC is used to bypass the problem area. This
LOGIC has its own memory which is held with power
off by a small clock battery (B1). This memory must
be pre-set for operation as desired upon CPU failure.
To set this memory perform the following (assuming
unit is running in auto):
1. Press STOP Key – Red stop LED is on.
2. Press AUTO/HAND Key – Red HAND LED is on.
3. Press PUMP ENABLE Keys in any order for pumps
to run upon a CPU failure. Associated green LED’s
will flash.
4. Press AUTO/HAND Key – green AUTO LED is on.
5. ENABLE PUMPS as required and press
START/STOP key – green LED on.
The unit is now running in auto. If the CPU fails the
system reverts to the manual operation that was pre-
set in steps above. Pumps do not stop except for
overload trip. Press the PUMP ENABLE key to stop a
specific pump or press START/STOP key to stop all
Press PUMP ENABLE key to re-start a pump. Only
the hand and pump LED’s are active. All other LED’s
and the display are off.