Digital Emergency
In case of an emergency you can enter emergency mode to ask for help, for
each emergency mode, there are three emergency types and three emergency
modes available.
Emergency Type:
In emergency mode, the radio will give audible and visible indication;
● RTC Configure:
This option allows you to set the current date, time.
U Disk Mode:
If stored voice memo into transceiver memory, it allow you
switches to U-Disk mode, the voice memos can download to PC to play, to
exit U-Disk mode restart your radio.
Theme Choose:
It allows user to choose the screen displaying style, there
are 4 themes available: Default Theme, Light Yellow, Light Blue and Light
2. System Info
With this option, you can view the basic information of your radio, including
battery status, my number, firmware version, CP version, hardware version,
voice record version, GPS data, and send GPS data.
Battery Status:
To view the radio’s rest battery capacity, it’s convenient for
user to know battery capacity and charge the battery in time. If the battery
shows green indicates capacity is sufficient, shows yellow indicates the
capacity is meddle, shows red indicates the capacity is low, please recharge
in time.
GPS Data:
To view the radio’s position information, it’s including longitude,
latitude, time, date, speed, altitude, and satellite no.
● Send GPS Data:
While the GPS mode set as power save or high
performance, and receive radio’s position information successfully, you can
transmit location data to an individual user on contacts.
3. Channel Configure
Channel configure function is used to modify the current channel parameters,
on digital channel, it allows you to modify RX/TX frequency, channel name.
TOT, TX contact, CC index, choose slot, RX group list; on analog channel to
modify RX/TX frequency, channel name, TOT, CTCSS/CDCSS.
Note: While finish the parameters modification, please return to home screen to save
the setting, then all modified data is effective.