1. Inbox
The Inbox can save up to 30 received messages. Inbox the unread message
displays: , read message displays: . For each message, you can choose
to perform any of these operations: Reply, Forward and Delete.
2. Preset SMS
Via programming software, user can save 10 entries text messages and each of
a message contains 140 characters at most on preset SMS. You can choose to
edit and send any entry.
Note: Preset text messages also can assign to one touch call, and press the
programmed key to send messages.
3. Outbox
Enter outbox menu, you can view the message is sent successfully or failed,
outbox can save up 30 sent messages. If sent message is successful
displays , you can choose to forward or delete it; If sent message is failed
displays , you can choose to resend, forward or delete.
4. Delete All
This function is convenient to delete all messages on inbox or outbox, Clear All
will delete all messages on Inbox and Outbox at the same time, but the preset
messages can’t be deleted.