9.4 Overload/short circuit of the digital
9 Diagnostics processing
9.4 Overload/short circuit of the digital outputs
A channel error is determined by comparing the target value set by a controller
and the actual value of an output channel.
When an output channel is activated (rising edge of the channel state), the
channel errors are filtered for the period that you set using the "Surveillance-
Timeout" parameter during the configuration of the module. The value of this
parameter can range from 0 to 255 ms; the factory setting is 80 ms.
The filter is used to avoid premature error messages when a capacitive load is
activated or an inductive load is deactivated, and during other voltage peaks
when a status changes.
In static state of the output channel, that is, while the channel is permanently
switched on, the filter time between error detection and the diagnostic
message is typically 5 ms.
9.5 IO-Link C/Q error
If an IO-Link Device in COM mode is unplugged, an incorrect IO-Link Device
is plugged in, or an electrical fault occurs on the C/Q (Pin 4) line, for example,
due to a short circuit, an error message is generated.
Manual EtherCAT®
Version 1.1 04/2021