4 System description
4.1 About LioN-X and LioN-Xlight
4 System description
The LioN modules (
umberg Automation™
etwork) function
as the interface in an industrial Ethernet system: A central controller on the
management level is able to communicate with the decentralized sensors
and actuators on the field level. The line or ring topologies for which LioN
modules can be used ensure not only reliable data communication but also
significantly reduce the number of cables required and thus also the costs for
and maintenance. They additionally enable easy and quick extension.
4.1 About LioN-X and LioN-Xlight
LioN-X and the LioN-Xlight variants are IO-Link Masters which convert
standard input, standard output or IO-Link signals from sensors & actuators
into an industrial Ethernet protocol (PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT
Modbus TCP) and/or into a cloud protocol (REST API, OPC UA, MQTT). For
the first time, there is now Syslog on board. The robust 8 port housing design
allows the use even in harsh environments where e.g. weld field immunity,
high temperature ranges or protection class IP67 & IP69K are needed. There
are also LioN-Xlight single protocol versions available with a limited feature
set at a highly attractive price point.
Use all benefits of the Lumberg Automation
product solution by additionally
downloading the configuration tool
LioN-Management Suite V2.0
to enable e.g. a fast and easy parameterization of the
connected IO-Link devices via the embedded IODD interpreter.
Manual EtherCAT®
Version 1.1 04/2021