3. Pre-upgrade Tasks
This manual describes the following processes:
Pre-upgrade information, equipment required and checklist - this section.
Back-up the current Windows XP Door PC settings - see section 4.
Install Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES 7) - see section 5.
Configure Windows 7 Door PC settings - see section 6.
Re-install and configure Workbench - see section 7.
3.1 Before Starting
This manual assumes you have a good working knowledge of Windows operating
systems and the Workbench system.
Read through the complete upgrade procedure and make sure you understand all of
the steps before starting work on the Door PC.
It is important that all of the information in the pre-upgrade checklist is noted down
and easily accessible before starting the upgrade, see section 3.3.
Check the contents of the FGAEY S800-W7UG upgrade kit:
WES 7 Runtime installation USB memory stick
WES 7 license label
Workbench installation USB memory stick
A printed copy of this upgrade manual
3.2 Equipment Required
To perform the upgrade from Windows XP to Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES 7), the
following equipment is required:
USB peripherals
USB hub (not required if Keyboard has an integrated hub)
USB extension cable (for easier USB port access)
WES 7 Runtime installation USB memory stick (Part of this Kit FGAEY S800-W7UG)
Workbench installation USB memory stick (Part of this Kit FGAEY S800-W7UG).
Failure to complete the checklist correctly may result in a failed upgrade.