Mix and Match
Belanger, Inc. * 1001 Doheny Ct. * Northville, MI 48167 * Ph (810) 349-7010 * Fax (810) 380-9681
AirBlade® Head Beam Cover Kit
Included in the Belanger AirBlade® dryer offering is a head beam cover kit that can be mounted to
the head beam(s) of your AirBlade® system. If you have purchased this option, your AirBlade®
dryer head beam(s) would have been shipped with the head beam cover(s) already installed at the
factory. If you have head beam cover(s) please follow the instructions below after you have
installed the AirBlade® system and are ready to wire up the motors. If you do not have any head
beam covers then please move on to the next section.
1) Pop open the top of the 6 white plastic caps. Remove the fasteners, washers, and head
beam cover from each head beam. Place the parts where they will not get misplaced.
If you have multiple head beam covers you may want mark the inside of the head beam
covers so that they are placed back on to their correct head beam.
2) Have a certified field electrician wire up the motors at this point.
3) Once all of the motors are wired up you will want to start them up just to check for proper
rotation. If rotation is correct then move on to the next step.
4) Place the head beam cover back on to its proper head beam and fasten it back in to
place. Be sure not to over tighten the screws and cause the plastic to strip out.