1) When switched on, the display of the BXI32 lights up as BEINAT Srl. After 10 seconds the product
information will be displayed such as:
Bein at
Serial number with 6 digits
Date and time
Product code example BXI32 and software version
CountDown; the countdown has a duration of 90 seconds, at the end of it, the unit will be ready for use
Meanwhile, all LEDs will light up cyclically, by doing so a Functionning test.
2) At the end of the countdown the display stands so regular operation represented by the display designed.
3) Press the TEST button to get the simulation of a gas leak, and the control panel performs the following
operations for all connected sensors:
a)Lights up the Preallarme LED , by switching the 1st threshold relay. The buzzer emits a sound to slow
b)Then turns on the general alarm LED. In addition to switching the pre-alarm relay, also switches the
general alarm relay, the MAIN ALARM LED starts blinking; the buzzer emits a sound at a higher frequency.
Releasing the TEST button you see the opposite effect: only the MAIN ALARM relay LED will be blinking.
The general alarm will persist until the RESET button is pressed resetting the alarm memory.
To perform GAS testing, a pre-calibrated gas bottle must be used with the type of gas for which the system
has been built. Carefully read the sensor user guide and run the sensor test.
There are two Fault types:
a) Fault Serial Connection: appears on the display ERR. COM. (communication error). To test just
disconnect a connection wire.
2) Sensor fault: To simulate this test, disconnect the sensor, FAULT appears on the display.
- If the unit does not start
If the control unit is supplied with Box, check that the voltage 110/230 VAC is present at the ends of the
connection terminals.
- If the control unit is supplied without Box, check that the voltage 15 VDC, is present at the ends of the
connection terminals.
- If the Fault yellow LED lights up.
a) First check the fault source: from the serial network or from the sensor.
Communication Error
If the fault comes from the serial communication check: that the cables have been correctly connected
and that the cables are of the type recommended by the manufacturer; Make sure you have inserted the jumper
end line
Check that the sensor wires are connected as in the drawing, not to have pinched the insulating sheath.
Check that the voltage at terminals 1-2 is greater than 11 VDC
- If the Yellow Overload Probes LED lights up
Che ck :
That the power polarity is not reversed, that there is no short circuit, that the sensors have not been damaged
during installation, that it does not absorb an excessive current.
- If the Yellow Over Load Battery LED lights up
That the power polarity is not reversed, that there is no short circuit, that the polarity has not been reversed
or the battery is not damaged.
If the control unit is repeatedly in alarm.
Check that there is no gas leak.
Check that the FAULT Led does not light up with the alarm signal, in this case control the sensors.
If the control unit is repeatdly in alarm and does not close the equipment connected to it.
Check that the connections are correct and that the jumper that carries voltage to the common relay has been
N.B. All relays are voltage free. Check the connection drawing.
If the BXI32 is connected to a 12VDC Solenoid Valve and does not work well.
The BXI32 can be connected directly to 12 VDC Solenoid valves, Sirens with a maximum absorption of 400 mA.
In the event of further problems, you should contact a authorised technician directly or the BEINAT S.r.l. dealer.
SN AD012G 16/Aug/13
Methane 10:10
sensor 32 Exp. 020%
00,0% LEL
Turning and testing
Before calling a technician check...