Double Sound Speed Controller SFR-1-HL
Using nautic-mode on proportional channel #5 (X2/5) and #6 (X2/6) to switch on
engine sound:
If you have a nautic swich unit installed in your receiver, you can assign the function
“engine sound on/off" to a nautic switch (Configuration
Nautic/multiswitch) to turn
the engine sound on or off with the selected switch (see page 34).
Using EKMFA-mode on proportional channel #5 (X2/5) to switch on engine
With the One-channel multi-function selection (EKMFA) you can nearly control the
whole sound module with only one free channel of the transmitter. “Counting” (and
pressing the joystick a corresponding number of times) is used to determine, which
function is triggered. In the Sound-Teacher you can set up, how often the joystick
must be pressed, to turn on/off the engine sound (see page 34).
Turn on engine sound automatically by motion:
Is this option activated, the engine sound is switched on automatically, as soon as
you accelerate the first time (that means for example moving the joystick out of the
neutral position) (see page 60). The engine sound keeps switched on as long as you
are driving. If the model is stopped, the engine sound will be turned off after an
adjustable time (e.g. 10 seconds). If you start driving again, the sound will be
switched on again. This method has the advantage, that no additional channel (or
switch) in the transmitter are needed to activate the engine sound.
Engine sound 2
In addition to the actual engine/driving sound; a second speed-dependent sound can
also be played. However, this second engine sound does not offer as many sound
slots/options as the normal engine sound.
The engine sound 2 must not necessarily be an engine sound that is played while
"driving". Generally all speed adjustable sounds can be used for any kind of
movement. This can for example be a speed-dependent turret rotation of a tank or
the sound of a hydraulic pump in a construction vehicle.
Following sounds are available for the engine sound 2:
Engine start sound 2
Idle sound 2
Motion start 2 sound
Engine sound 2 (speed dependent)
Motion stop 2 sound
Engine stop 2 sound
The functions of engine sound 2 correspond in principle with those of the normal
engine sound (see page 21). Depending on type of movement, you do not have to
use all of these sound slots. For example, in case of a tank turret rotation, only the
sounds for motion starting, driving, and motion stopping are necessary because
there are no idle and engine start/stop sounds when turning a tank turret.