Double Sound Speed Controller SFR-1-HL
Hardness of handbrake
Here you can determine how strong (off, soft, medium, hard) the handbrake is.
The handbrake can be active only while parking/standing. Without this option, the
handbrake hits as soon as the throttle is in neutral position and the vehicle is still
Recoil when cannon shot
If the “Cannon shot” function is triggered, a recoil of the model can be simulated. For
this purpose, motors M1 and M2 are briefly driven backwards and then immediately
forwards again. There are 4 levels (off, light, medium, heavy) to choose from.
However, the recoil is only performed when the model is stationary.
Caution: Since the mechanics, the gearbox, the motors and the speed controllers are
very stressed during the recoil, the strength of the recoil should not be set too high!
Throttle curve 1 and 2
Using the curve, the proportion between throttle signal and driving behaviour can be
set in the diagram. Both driving directions (backwards and forwards) have 10 values
(at 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 %, 50 %, 60 %, 70 %, 80 %, 90 % and 100 % of throttle
signal) to adjust the driving behaviour.
For example a very sensitive acceleration behaviour for driving slowly or a limitted
maxium speed can be set.
With „reset“ the curve returns to its initial values.
The throttle curve 2 can be activated with a function while driving. This enables for
example to use throttle curve 1 for normal driving and throttle curve 2 for maneuvring
with very sensitive acceleration behaviour.
Example for nomal driving:
Example for maneuvring: