Double Sound Speed Controller SFR-1-HL
Indicator lights:
The indicator can also (e.g. like in a real car) be switched off with the steering
channel prop. #2. The lights flash until the steering channel returns to neutral
The indicator light threshold determines how strong the vehicle must turn until the
indicator light is activated. The higher the threshold, the stronger the vehicle must
turn in order to activate the indicator light.
If the „American indicator mode“ is activated, the indicators always light when the
parking light is on.
The flashing rate for the indicators can be set, as well. The values for „on“ and „off“,
multiplied by 10 ms, is the duration of the light and dark phases of the indicator.
Bending lights:
If the option "Bendings light also work when the light is off" is not selected, then
either the parking light or the low beam headlight must be on for bending light to
With the option "Bending light via steering on prop. channel #2" the bending lights
are automatically switched on while the vehicle is turning. The right bending light is
activated as long as the area "A" of prop. channel #2 is reached and is switched off,
if the area "A" is left. The left bending light is switched on, if the area "D" is reached
and is switched off again, when the area "D" is left.
The switching thresholds can be set below. Values between 5 and 100 are possible.
The option "Bending light via indicators" activates the bending light, as long as the
corresponding indicator is active. Both variants can be combined.
When driving backwards both bending lights can be activated automatically.
The bending lights can also be used as fog lights.
Daytime running light:
The daytime running light can be controlled with the light switch.
Optional, the daytime running light can only be activated when also the driving sound
is on. The reversing light can optionally also only be switched on when driving.
If the option "low beam with xenon HID turn-on effect" is activated, the typical xenon
effect (short flash followed by dimming up) appears when turning on the low beam
If desired, parking light and low beam headlight can always be switched on
automatically as soon as the engine sound is on. If this option is activated, however,
the parking light and low beam headlight can not be switched on or off, using the
functions "Parking light " or " Low beam headlight "!