Double Sound Speed Controller SFR-1-HL
Configuration – Engine Sound – Engine Sound
Engine sound options
With no setting the engine sound of the faster motor is played. Optionally the
average of both motors can be used for the engine sound.
Thresholds for slow down and speed up:
These thresholds set how strong the speed must be changed so that the normal
driving sound is changed to deceleration or acceleration.
If you activate “fast switching”, the module immediately switches when the speed
changes. This is particularly useful for long sounds in the driving sound slots. If the
module is required to simulate a slow-revving engine (e.g. single-cylinder motor), fast
switching should be deactivated. In this case vehicle starting and stopping sounds
are not played, as well.
Brake noise:
The brake sound threshold determines how strongly the vehicle must be decelerated
before the brake sound is played. Values between 1 and 30 are possible. The higher
the threshold, the stronger the deceleration must be in order to activate the brake
Cornering squeak:
As soon as the vehicle is turning, the cornering speake is played. The higher the
value is, the more the steering must be to trigger the cornering squeak. Values
between 20 and 127 are possible.
The threshold for the turn warning sound determines up to which driving speed, the
turn warning sound should be played.
Automatic driving sound activation:
As an option you can select an automatic driving sound activation (see page 23).
The engine sound always switches on automatically, as soon as you move the