Product Description
2.6 Connection Cables
Optionally prefabricated connection cables for connecting the power supply as well as prefabricated
Ethernet connection cables are available.
2.6.1 Connection Cables for the Power Supply, optional
The following connection cables for the power supply are available:
Connection Cables Power supply cable with IP65 connector
Power supply cable IP65 for CP32xx or CP72xx up to 19-inch display, length 5 m,
assembled, M23 connector, screw type, 8 wires, second end open
Power supply cable IP65 for CP32xx or CP72xx up to 19-inch display, length 10 m,
assembled, M23 connector, screw type, 8 wires, second end open
Power supply cable IP65 for CP32xx or CP72xx up to 19-inch display, length 20 m,
assembled, M23 connector, screw type, 12 wires, second end open
2.6.2 Ethernet connection cables, optional
The following Ethernet connection cables are available:
Patch cabel
Network cable with IP65 connector
Network cable for CP32xx or CP72xx, length 3 m, assembled, Harting push-pull
Ethernet connector IP65, second end RJ 45, IP20
Network cable for CP32xx or CP72xx, length 5 m, assembled, Harting push-pull
Ethernet connector IP65, second end RJ 45, IP20
Network cable for CP32xx or CP72xx, length 10 m, assembled, Harting push-pull
Ethernet connector IP65, second end RJ 45, IP20
Network cable for CP32xx or CP72xx, length 15 m, assembled, Harting push-pull
Ethernet connector IP65, second end RJ 45, IP20
Network cable for CP32xx or CP72xx, length 20 m, assembled, Harting push-pull
Ethernet connector IP65, second end RJ 45, IP20
Network cable for CP32xx or CP72xx, length 30 m, assembled, Harting push-pull
Ethernet connector IP65, second end RJ 45, IP20
Network cable for CP32xx or CP72xx, length 40 m, assembled, Harting push-pull
Ethernet connector IP65, second end RJ 45, IP20
Network cable for CP32xx or CP72xx, length 50 m, assembled, Harting push-pull
Ethernet connector IP65, second end RJ 45, IP20