• Prior to purchase, check to make sure the car seat fits properly
in your car, as different types of belt systems are used in cars.
• The seat must always be secured with a seat belt,
even when not in use. A loose car seat can injure other passengers
in the car during an emergency stop or accident.
• Always check to make sure the belt fits properly and securely.
Pull the belt as tightly as possible, removing any slack.
• When using the Moby, the passenger seat on
which it is installed must be placed in the rearmost position.
The backrest must ALWAYS be in an UPRIGHT position.
You can reposition the seat and headrest
(after removing the car seat) for use by an adult passenger.
• Make sure that all luggage and other objects likely
to cause injury in the event of an accident are secured properly.
• Make sure the seat does not get trapped or crushed
by heavy baggage, reclinable seats or slamming doors.
• Make sure that any objects in your child’s jacket or trouser pockets
do not come between your child and the seat belt,
as this could result in injury during an accident.
• Adult passengers who are not wearing seat belts could also constitute
a danger for a child in a car seat.
• Always cover the Moby when parking the car in the sun,
as the plastic and metal parts could become extremely hot
and burn your child. This also prevents the fabric cover
from discolouring.
• In order to prevent damage to the cover,
do not remove the logos or instruction label.
• Always use the car seat, even on short journeys,
as this is when most accidents occur.
• Never strap yourself and a child together in a car using
a 3 or 2-point safety belt.
• Remove the headrest from the seat on which the Moby
is installed if it is in the way.
Do not forget to reinstall it when an adult passenger uses the seat.
• Set a good example and always wear your seat belt.
• Take short breaks on longer journeys to allow your child
some freedom of movement.