Configuring SMS-POTS Feature
Functionality is only available on RST100
terminals with the following serial number type :
Serial Numbers 100AXXXX “ The serial number must contain an “A” to
support the SMS-POTS Functionality.
The RST100 will support the use of an SMS-POTS handset. The SMS-POTS
functionality supports the use of SMS messaging over the Iridium network without the
need to use one of the Intelligent type handsets or a Computer to send, receive SMS
Using a POTS-SMS telephone handset it si possible to initiate an SMS message and
send it to another Iridium user, or to another cellular user ( Selected Providers Only ).
It is not advisable to use an Intelligent handset in conjunction with an SMS-POTS
handset as the Intelligent handset and the SMS-POTS terminal cannot both receive
the SMS messages. The SMSPOTS phone will always have priority.
The major benefit of the SMS-POTS feature is that it will allow you to run the handset
away from the terminal over long distances whilst still supporting SMS. Typically the
Intelligent type handsets are limited to less than 10m/30’ whereas the SMS-POTS
being on the RJ11 line will support 100’s metres / 1000’s feet.
The parameters of the port are configured using the Beam Management System
Connecting an SMS-POTS handset
An SMS_POTS handset can be easily connected to the RST100 terminal via the
RJ11 POTS connection. Once connected the setting within the RST100 should be
configured to ensure compatibility with the handset as well as enabling the SMS-
POTS feature.
Configuring the RST100 for SMS-POTS
Using the Beam Management System the RST100 terminal should be configured to
enable the SMS-POTS feature. Consult the Configuration Manual, Available on the
CD supplied with the terminal, for details on configuring the SMS-POTS service.