BDDF00122 Issue 3
Alaris™ Gateway Workstation v1.3.x
All Pumps listed above will activate the Pump Alarm Location Beacon for high, medium, and low priority alarms, where
applicable . Refer to each Pump’s Directions for Use for alarm information . The legacy Alaris GW Volumetric Pump and the
Alaris GW 800 Volumetric Pump exhibit the following differences in behaviour for the Pump Alarm Location Beacon:
Legacy Alaris GW Volumetric Pump
Alaris GW 800 Volumetric Pump
Alarm Location Beacon Behaviour
Alarm Location Beacon Behaviour
End of Infusion (KVO enabled)
Amber Beacon in KVO Phase
None for KVO Phase
End of Infusion (KVO disabled)
Red Beacon
Low Battery
Amber Beacon
Red Beacon
Red Beacon
To access and configure the software installed on the Workstation, use a standard Web browser and an Ethernet connection either over a
network or by directly linking to the Workstation from a client PC .
The Workstation Web Browser User Interface is validated on Windows Internet Explorer 10 .
The software is provided under and is subject to a licence from BD .