Display Current Electrical Characteristics:
Logging Out
Current User Password:
at the prompt to show the unit’s Average
Power and the unit displays the following:
at the prompt to show the unit’s current
temperature and the unit displays the following:
| Circuit | True RMS | Peak RMS |
| Group | Current | Current |
| Circuit C1 | 0.0 Amps | 0.7 Amps |
| Circuit C2 | 0.0 Amps | 0.0 Amps |
| Circuit C3 | 0.1 Amps | 0.5 Amps |
| Circuit C4 | 0.0 Amps | 0.9 Amps |
| Circuit C5 | 1.2 Amps | 1.8 Amps |
| Circuit C6 | 0.9 Amps | 1.4 Amps |
at the prompt to show the unit’s True
RMS Current and Peak RMS Current and the unit will
display the following:
at the prompt to reset the Peak RMS Current,
the ATS will redisplay the status menu with the new
maximum detected current.
at the prompt to display the unit’s True
RMS Voltage and the unit will display the following:
| Circuit | True RMS |
| Group | Voltage |
| Circuit C1 | 201.9 Volts |
| Circuit C2 | 204.3 Volts |
| Circuit C3 | 202.4 Volts |
| Circuit C4 | 202.1 Volts |
| Circuit C5 | 204.5 Volts |
| Circuit C6 | 205.8 Volts |
Total kW-h: 0
| Circuit | Average | Volt- |
| Group | Power | Amps |
| Circuit M1 | 0 Watts | 4 VA |
| Circuit M2 | 0 Watts | 4 VA |
| Circuit M3 | 0 Watts | 4 VA |
| Circuit M4 | 0 Watts | 4 VA |
| Circuit M5 | 0 Watts | 4 VA |
| Circuit M6 | 0 Watts | 4 VA |
Int. Temp: 95.9 F Ext. 1: 72.1 F : 31.5% RH ; Ext. 2: 70.9 F
Units with probes connected to external sensor ports will be displayed as Ext 1 and/or Ext 2.
Logout, Logoff, or Exit
at the prompt to logoff from the unit. This will close the Outlet Control
session. Press “Enter” to open the Outlet Controller session. A login prompt may appear if a user has
been assign to an outlet. Newer firmware may go to the network menu.
at the prompt to change the current user’s password
and the unit will display the following:
If the current user already has a password the unit will display the
Enter new Password:
Re-Enter new Password:
Enter old Password:
Enter new Password:
Re-Enter new Password:
If you do not have the user’s current password, delete the user. Reinstall user. Select option
to change password and the unit will respond by asking for a new password.