MX08 Multichannel Weighing System, Technical Manual, Rev. 2.5 Page 8 of 144
Figure 1.2 - MX08 instrument connection diagram
The principal configuration of MX08 multi-channel system is shown in Figure 1.2. In this
configuration, the gateway unit is the master of N-Bus and acts as a slave in process field
bus. The Gateway connects a field bus network to the local MX08 instruments and
transports commands and responses to and from the field bus. It scans all instruments for
their status and then transmits this status information continuously to the field bus
One of the most powerful instruments in this family is MX08 AD Analog Digitizer. It
converts the low level strain gage load cell analog signal to high resolution and accurate
digital signal. Its programmability for bipolar input signal gives the instrument advantage in
bidirectional force measurement applications without decreasing the external unipolar
resolution. MX08 DP Display Unit gives advantage to the operators to follow the weight
data and testing weighing system performance in the control cabinet locally. Low priced
Digital I/O units give advantage to the designers expending their field bus system with I/O
control in the cabinet without requiring additional gateway.
They are used for any type of weighing processes and force measurement including tank
and silo weighing, dynamic weighing, check weighing, filling, tension /compression force
measurement, process I/O control etc.