119136-D Rev. 00
NauticaRS 5.016R Release Notes for Nautica 200
rip-type [ poisonreverse | splithorizon | locallan ]
The default value is now “splithorizon”, which is split horizon
without poison reverse. Previously in NauticaRS 4.1 the default
behaviour was split horizon with poison reverse, which can now
be achieved through a value of “poisonreverse”.
Next Number Parameter
A new path parameter has been added to provide for the
configuration of the sequence in which the ISDN numbers are
used. The default value of “next” retains the same functionality as
NauticaRS 4.1, where a second call would use the second ISDN
number. The value “startattop”, as its name implies, always starts
at the first ISDN number for each call, so the second number is
only used if the first fails, and the third number is only used if the
first two numbers fail, and so on.
next-number-mode = next | startattop
Autocall Parameter
A new path parameter has been added to provide for the
configuration of a delay between successive autocalls to one
destination. This can be used to prevent contention on the ISDN
line when CLI Dialback is used.
Ring Frequency Parameter
A new parameter “rfreq” has been added to enable the user to
change the ring frequency on the POTS ports for Nautica 200 and
CLAM-Voice. The value is in Hertz (Hz), and defaults to 25Hz.
Telephones with older mechanical bells typically require a lower
frequency, such as 11 or 8 Hz.