BayStream 7.3 Documentation Change Notice
115385-D Rev 01
BayStream Multiservice Software Version 7.3
If you prioritize the slots eligible to run OSPF, the next time OSPF starts, it
starts on the highest priority slot available.
To restrict the slots eligible to run OSPF and prioritize them:
Begin at the Configuration Manager window and select Protocols > IP >
OSPF > Global.
Refer to the following descriptions to set the OSPF Slot and OSPF Slot
Priority parameters.
Click on Done.
Save the configuration file to the memory card so that the BayStream
platform can read the new configuration value the next time it boots.
Use the Values button to select the OSPF Slot options.
Parameter: OSPF Slot
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > IP > OSPF > Global
Default: All slots
Options: Any slot on the router
Function: Identifies the slots the OSPF soloist is eligible to run on. If the slot on which the
OSPF soloist is running goes down, the router will attempt to run OSPF on
another slot specified by this parameter.
Instructions: Select all of the appropriate slots. Use caution when selecting the slots on which
OSPF may run. If you choose an empty slot, and it is the only slot you choose,
OSPF will not run; if you choose a slot that becomes disabled, and it is the only
slot you choose, OSPF will not restart.
MIB Object ID: