BayStream 7.3 Documentation Change Notice
BayStream Multiservice Software Version 7.3
115385-D Rev 01
[4:1] $ set wfHssiEntry.wfHssiFrSwRnniEnabled.5.1 1
[4:1] $ set wfHssiEntry.wfHssiCct.5.1 3
Two wfFrSwRnniCfgEntry instances, each indexed by its perspective
wfHssiLineNumber. The wfFrSwRnniCfgPeerLineNumber of one
wfFrSwRnniCfgEntry instance should contain the line number the other
instance. The wfFrSwRnniDlcmiCct attribute of both instances must have the
same value as wfHssiCct.
For example, to create two Resilient NNI configuration instances for slot 4
and slot 5 using circuit 3, do the following:
[4:1] $ set wfFrSwRnniCfgEntry.wfFrSwRnniCfgDelete.704101 1
[4:1] $ set wfFrSwRnniCfgEntry.wfFrSwRnniCfgPeerLineNumber.704101 705101
[4:1] $ set wfFrSwRnniCfgEntry.wfFrSwRnniCfgDlcmiCct.704101 3
[4:1] $ set wfFrSwRnniCfgEntry.wfFrSwRnniCfgDelete.705101 1
[4:1] $ set wfFrSwRnniCfgEntry.wfFrSwRnniCfgPeerLineNumber.705101 704101
[4:1] $ set wfFrSwRnniCfgEntry.wfFrSwRnniCfgDlcmiCct.705101 3
One wfFrSwDlcmiEntry instance, indexed by the same circuit number of
wfHssiCct. Attribute wfFrSwDlcmiNniEnable must be enabled; wfFrSwDlc-
miManagementType must be Annex A Switch; and wfFrSwDlcmiBidirect
must be enabled.
For example, to set the link management parameter to Annex A Switch for
wfFrSwDlcmiEntry instance, do the following:
[4:1] $ set wfFrSwDlcmiEntry.wfFrSwDlcmiManagementType.3 8
Enabling Statistics for SVCs and PVCs
You can enable or disable the collection of statistics for either switched virtual
circuits (SVCs) or permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) using either Site Manager or
the Technician Interface.
When you enable statistics collection on an interface, BayStream software, by
default, begins collecting statistics for all PVCs on the interface. If there are SVCs
on the interface, you need to use either Site Manager or theTechnician Interface to
enable statistics collection explicitly.