Heat Pump System
7kW to 10.5kW Inclusive
Air to Water Heat Pump
Outdoor Installation
Page 1
Safe Manual Handling
The following advice should be adhered to, from when first handling the Ambiflo
Heat Pump Range to
the final stages of installation, and also during maintenance.
Most injuries as a result of inappropriate handling and lifting are to the back, but all other parts of the
body are vulnerable, particularly shoulders, arms and hands. Health & Safety is the responsibility of
This Baxi Ambiflo
Heat Pump unit is not suitable for a one-man lift. Do not attempt to lift this unit
without the appropriate equipment and/or assistance.
Do not handle or lift unless you feel physically able.
Wear appropriate Personal Protection Equipment e.g. protective gloves, safety footwear etc.
Important: These instructions do not replace the separate instructions for individual components and
accessories, which should be read in conjunction with these instructions.
Co-ordinate movements - know where, and when, you are both going.
Minimise the number of times needed to move the Ambiflo
Heat Pump - plan ahead.
Always ensure when handling or lifting the route is clear and unobstructed. If possible avoid steps, wet or
slippery surfaces, unlit areas etc.
When handling or lifting always use safe techniques - keep your back straight, bend your knees. Don't
twist - move your feet, avoid bending forwards and sideways and keep the load as close to your body as