Line 40
Code settings
0 * Code not active
Max. 9999
Line 41
Function of Batch counter
0 * As total sum counter (counting parallel to main counter)
1 As batch counter (counting automatically when P2 is reached)
Line 42
Multiplication of secondary counter (only if line 41 = 1)
1 * Default
Max. 999
Line 43
Actual value correction (only if line 31 = 4)
0 * No correction value
Max. 999999
Line 44
Display following a power failure
0 * no power failure display
1 Power failure display, display flashes (cancel with
Line 51
Baud rate
0 * 4800 Baud
1 2400 Baud
2 1200 Baud
3 600 Baud
Line 52
0 * Even parity
(7 data bits)
1 Odd parity
(7 data bits)
2 no parity
(8 data bits)
Line 53
Stop bits
0 * 1 Stop bit
1 2 Stop bits
Line 54
0 * from
99 to
Line 55
Assignment of output values via interface (line 31 = 5)
0 * Display value
1 XP
2 P1
3 P2
4 SC
5 ∑
7 SF
Line 56
RS422: Control of connections TxD+ or TxD
0 * Switched in transmission direction during transmission, in
reception direction during reception
1 Always in transmission direction
The dash line indicates the end of the third programming field.
As soon as
is pushed again, the instrument will automatically
return to the operator level. Programming can, however, be shut
down on any line by simultaneously pushing
the keys depressed for ca. 2 seconds).