With AC supply and PNP output logic the maximum permissible
sensor current will be reduced by the switching current of the
electronic output.
3.6 Connecting the interface
The serial interface is capable of executing the following functions:
-Accessing data
-Programming parameters
Interface parameters are as follows:
-Data transmission rate (baud rate)
-Parity bit
-Number of stop bits
-Address used to access the control unit from a master computer.
The interface parameters can be set in the programming mode
(lines 43, 44, 45 and 46).
The following standard interfaces can be connected to the counter:
Interface characteristics
Full duplex transmission with the following characteristics:
-Three leads
-Point-to-point connection - 1 transmitter and 1 receiver
-Max. data transmission distance: 30 m
Full duplex transmission with the following characteristics:
-Four leads
-Point-to-point connection - 1 transmitter and 32 receivers
-Max. data transmission distance: 1500 m
Semi duplex transmission with the following characteristics:
-Two leads
-Multi-point connection - transmitters and receivers (max. 32 units)
-Max. data transmission distance: 1500 m
Assign terminals 21 and 22 and, where applicable, 23, 24 and 25
to the corresponding interface.