Configuring the Camera
Basler IP Fixed Dome Cameras
You can calculate when the flash window will open (i.e., the time from the frame trigger until the
moment when the window opens) using the following formula:
Time to Flash Window Open = tRow x (H - 1)
H = Sensor Height (user-settable AOI 8)
tRow = Camera-specific Value (see Table 1)
You can calculate the flash window width (i.e., how long the flash window will remain open) using
this formula:
Flash Window Width = Exposure Time - tRow x (H - 1)
To get a flash window at all, the following condition must be true:
Exposure Time > tRow x (H - 1)
Otherwise, the strobe signal will not become active. To avoid this, it is strongly recommended to use
an exposure mode where you can manually set the exposure time.
Table 1: tRow of Rolling Shutter Camera Models
The flash window signal will never be active outside the flash window. This means
that you can only reduce the width of the flash window by either delaying the start
of the strobe pulse or by reducing its duration.
Camera Model
BIP2 - D1920c
29.479166 µs