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4.5. Post Installation Testing
1. Switch on the power supply and wait until the sensor has stabilised. Refer to the
product brochure for warm-up times.
2. Confirm no magnetic objects are moving in the vicinity.
3. Check the output:
a. connect a voltmeter between output and GND;
b. whilst monitoring the voltmeter readings, align the sensor with the terrestrial field
until the maximum voltage value is determined;
c. confirm that the measured reading approaches the local geomagnetic field value.
Geomagnetic field values can be provided by your local magnetic observatory. A
margin of error due to local disturbance should be taken into account.
The outputs from the sensor should remain stable to within the quoted noise limits.
Refer to the product brochure for the expected values.
5. Using the Mag670
5.1. Magnetic Hysteresis
Subjecting the sensor to fields in excess of 2 x the nominal range may cause
inaccuracy in future measurements. Degaussing the sensor can reverse such an effect.
The Mag670 is designed to have an extremely low magnetic hysteresis. However,
Bartington Instruments recommends your sensor is not subjected to magnetic fields
greater than their stated measuring range for extended periods as this could alter the
DC offset. If this occurs, the offset will exhibit drift as it returns to its original offset
5.2. Environmental Precautions
Refer to the product brochure for maximum environmental electrical and mechanical ratings.
Exceeding the maximum environmental ratings may cause irreparable damage to
your sensor.