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Selective Call –“Selcall”
Selcall is a digital signalling system based on standard CCIR-493 for use on HF
networks. Each station in an HF network can be assigned up to 10 self IDs of which
there can be a mixture of four or six digit IDs (identification). The station can be
called using any of these self IDs.
Selective Call “Telcall”
Telcall uses this digital Selective Call system to transport a telephone number from
a station on an HF network to a base station equipped with a telephone
interconnect unit to initiate phone calls onto the international telephone network.
Note:- For Selcall and Telcall functions to operate the transceiver must be fitted
with the Selcall or Telcall option and the channels enabled for Selcall operation.
Special Notes When Using OEM 1 Selective Call Protocol
All 6 digit OEM 1 protocol calls will only be decoded by other Barrett transceivers
fitted with OEM 1 Selcall protocol or other manufacturers’ transceivers using
OEM 1 protocol 4 digit calls will be decoded by Barrett 950 transceivers, Barrett
2030 transceivers using International 4 and 6 digit Selcall and other manufactures
transceivers with similar CCIR 493 based Selective Call systems.
4 & 6 digit GPS and Status data calls use the OEM privacy key to encrypt the data.
If this 8 digit key has not been programmed by the programming software a default
privacy key of "99999999" is automatically used for transmission.
6 digit Pagecalls also use the privacy key but unlike the other calls the user has the
option to manually enable or disable the privacy key. When disabled the data is
sent as plain text. See “OEM Pagecall Key” in the protected menu “Selcall settings”
section, to switch the privacy key “On” or “Off” when sending Pagecalls.
Emergency GPS data calls, both 4 & 6 digit, are automatically sent as plain text.